Posts from DakotaSurfer in thread „Terry Redlin“

    I received some very disheartening news yesterday,,, For those of you that are interested in some of the current famous artists, Terry Redlin is probably in the top 5 currently still alive. His paintings almost seem to come alive and I have known Terry for a few years now. I was sad to hear he is planning on putting up his brushes and taking it easy the rest of his life. I treasure his paintings as I do Duke's memorabilia.

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    They are planning a special event in August with the Gatlin Bros. headlining the show. Terry is the guest of honor. If his art interests you, it's available for viewing here: [/FONT] Or at his multi-million dollar museum in Watertown, SD. He gave the museum to South Dakota so they will always have his painting for the public to view. His has been very involved in Ducks and Pheasants Unlimited for you hunters.