Posts from E-P Hoffman in thread „Tom Cruise as Colonel Claus Stauffenberg“

    I love that movie, E-P Hoffman. What did you do in the film? Crowd? Player on a team? I would love to hear about your time on the film..

    And as far as Nicholas Cage and Kevin C******? I love them both as actors. Like anyone else, they made their share of clunkers but also made their share of very enjoyable movies. But, to each his own :thumbs_up:


    It was mostly crowd work, I did have one scene I was looking forward to that didn't make the final print. 3 of us were heckling Tim Robbins as he somes out on to the field after boinking Millie in the locker room. I would have had 5 or 10 seconds of really good face time. Oh well! Ron Shelton must have shot that scene 10 or 12 different ways, with Tim Robbins running out in various stages of undress, my favorite was with Tim running out with the tail of his jersey sticking out of his fly, looking like his man hood.

    There was no one one on the cast that wasn't very nice to us and alot of fun. Ron Shelton did get a bit frustrated at us at times, for laughing when we shouldn't, that kind of thing.

    If you remember, there is one wild pitch that Nuke throws that breaks a window in the press box, that really did happen and it wasn't supposed to. Tim was out on the mound throwing wild, you know hit the Bull, just spray the ball all over. Well I think it was like 2 or 3 in the morning and he turns one lose and and we're all prepare to oh and ah and we watch this pitch just keep rising toward the press box and sure enough it went right through the glass shattering it. It was late, we were tired and cold (this was late October, early November) and the crowd was overcome by an attack of the sillys. We just couldn't stop laughing. Ron Shelton was getting pissed because, he had lost control of his extras.

    During the night games most of the time you can see me in the front row right behind the plate on the third base side, I wearing a white Chicago Cubs jersey. Sometimes I'm in the third row behind first.

    It was a great experience and a lot of fun. I also developed a lot more respect for actors and what they do.It was fall and at night sometimes the temps were in the low 40s or upper 30s and we had to be dressed like it was summer. Brrrrrrrrrr!!!!

    During breaks we would all run around the back of the stadium where they had fires in 50 gallon drums to warm ourselves.

    Just imagine being 30 and single and warming your hands over an oil drum standing next to Susan Sarandon:hyper: I could have died happy right then.

    Well I better get some work done.More later if you are interested.
