Posts from Cindyrella in thread „Prayer Requests And Updates“

    What a wonderful and noble thing for your children to be doing. That they would have the desire to serve other's in this way speaks volumes, not only about their character, but, their parent's as well. I must say, WELL DONE, Chester & Mrs. C.!!!:thumbs_up:

    Glad they've made it this far safely. No doubt, they're in Father's hands....

    I think it would be nice to give them an official welcome home from JWMB members when they return...Any ideas on how to do that?

    Not sure if I will be here or in Nevada at that time so I might have to do my part in it before I go. Still don't know when we are leaving.


    Dearest Chester and the Mrs.,

    I will certainly keep your precious children in my prayers and those who are joining them. And since I consider my fellow members here at JWMB my friends, and I always include my friends in my prayers, please know you and your wife will be in those prayers. I, too, have a daughter named Alison.

    Could you share more details about what they will be doing in Africa? Sounds exciting, especially for young adults getting to see the world.
