Posts from chester7777 in thread „Trouble In Duke Land“

    I made one final post there, and don't intend to return. The IMDb message boards are a pain in the butt, simply because of their format, which I seriously detest, and are often sprinkled with really nasty garbage. It's just generally not worth the time and effort.

    As far as our message board is concerned,

    Quote from SXViper

    Like chester said we have had a few hicups but what family doesn't?

    Todd said it best - family - that's how it feels to me. Family members don't always get along, but things all work out in the end. Good grief, I get along better with you than some of my family members :shades_smile:.

    Chester :newyear:

    It does seem to be somebody with an ax to grind, and with knowledge of member's names and other aspects of the board. Too bad . . . . Trash-talking a pretty good message board, making us sound like a bunch of bickering idiots. We've had a few rough times, but overall, I think this is a pretty decent message board.

    Chester :newyear: