Posts from DukePilgrim in thread „Shenandoah“

    Have to say I prefer American War movies to British ones on World War II.

    In regard, to A Bridge to Far being Anti war I would have to say no. It is a factual movie that is more graphic than earlier movies and has a downbeat ending. Attenborough paid tribute to the soldiers of Arnheim who nearly pulled of an military achievement which would have effectively shortened the war and saved many lives.

    Guns of Navarone still escapes me it one of the earlier Alstair McClean novels which is more Boys Own Adventure than Anti War. What next Where Eagles Dare must be anti war!!

    Bridge on the River Kwai is fine as a war movie except the silliest hammy acting by Alec Guinness who must have forgotten he was not in an Ealing Comedy. That scene's
    whole impact is ruined and has many modern audiences in kinks at the end of it.
