Posts from The Ringo Kid in thread „Are there any Good Actors out there today?“

    Oh god, don't get the anti Costner guys going again, lets just keep it between the 2 of us Capt. Jake about liking Costner, there are very few of us and I think we might have to stay in the closet!!!! :embaressed_smile:

    Hi Todd, I guess for you and Capt. Jake, things have improved in the Costner Front in that his name is no longer considered a cussword :wink_smile:

    PS, I really did like two of his movies - honest. :shades_smile:

    I waited 10 years fo Liam Neeson to become a big star. He finally made Schindlers List and nothing. I don't understand why he's not a major movie star. He's terrific in every part he plays no matter how bad the film. He always gets good to great reviews. He should have gotten an AA nom for Kinsey. Now I'm waitng for Spielberg to start making Lincoln. You can't get a better part than that.

    I didn't know that there was a new movie that was going to be made about Abe Lincoln? I can easily "see" Liam Neesen as Ol' Honest Abe. :wink_smile: In fact, even if this movie is not yet being made, I can easily see Neesen in this role and, he might even rival Gregory Peck's and Raymond Massey's portrayals of him. :thumbs_up:

    May, thanks for mentioning Liam Neesen. I think he is a fantastic actor. I just watched him last night ina movie called: Next of Kin. He starred with Patrick Swayze, Bill Paxton, Adam Baldwin, Michael J. Pollard and Andreas Katsuelas (SP?)

    A most excellent film BTW. And I love the ending them song: "Brother-to-Brother" I have to watch this one on occasion (about every 3-4 months is normal)

    I remember Pacino in Godfather 2, but hated the film (as I did the first one-and never watched the 3rd so I can't say yea or nay on that one) I don't remember if i've ever seen Dog Day Afternoon, or not? I have never seen a movie he has done, that I liked even a little bit. I've seen him in Serpico (one that comes to mind) and thought he did OK in it-but was not great.

    We'll never agree about cLOONEY and Pitt. I have sen 2-3 of cLOONEY's films and about the same with Pitt. All were boring and I quickly lost interest. Both of these actors are way over-rated.

    Di Caprio as a sex symbol? THAT is a head-scratching one there. And then there is scorcese-I absolutely will not watch anything of his after I saw that B.S. movie of his called: the gangs of new york. I hate people who falsly portray American history-such as that jerk did.

    I didn't say that Matt needed to play better people. What I said was: "I think he needs to take it a bit slower so he can become a better person in his movies and be able to retain a "fan-ship" of somekind. In other words, what I said means: that he needs to not be in such a hurry to try to be a BMOC, in his movies - too eary on in his career, or else he risks becoming too-big-for-his-britches, and he will lose his fan-base.

    Like Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Jack Nicholson, George Clooney, Sean Penn, Brad Pitt, Russell Crowe, Dustin Hoffman, Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon etc. OK, some of those guys are pretty old but you get the point.

    Figures. :glare:

    About the only capable actors picked are Depp, Crowe and Nicholson.

    Al Pacino is way overrated. De Niro aint far behind. The Looney twins (aka) cLOONEY and Penn-head, are way too big for their britches and paid way too much for their dribble. Penn CAN act and was a favorite of Charles Bronson, however, he's still a loser in his movies. I can't stand cLOONEY's mumbling that passes for acting. Hoffmann simply needs to retire to Pitcairn Island. Di Caprio aint that good either. Titanic will be his all-time ""Big"" picture. As for Matt Damon, he reminds me of a boy's head on a man's body. I don't dislike him and liked him in The Bourne Identity but, I think he needs to take it a bit slower-so he can become a better person in movies and be able to retaina "'fan-ship"" of somekind.