Posts from Stumpy in thread „What We Take For Granted“

    You want 8 foot tall concrete walls or are you just putting a couple layers of block down then going to a stick built frame? Makes a big difference. Personally when I built mine it was 14 ft by 12 ft and the back walls were 3 layers of concrete block, then stick built with tin siding. 8 foot walls so I could put a single roll up door. It could also be insulated but I have not electricity going out there so I haven't done that yet. I built mine about 7 years ago and it cost me about $1200 dollars with the cement pad poured at the sametime. I did this myself so that was a basic materials cost.

    I want the walls of concrete block all the way up, then I suppose a sheet metal roof. Would like to have a metal door/frame and metal window frames if I can find such.

    I've even thought of having the thing built with reinforced concrete walls to use as a tornado shelter (in my part of the country, that's a good thing to have) but I don't know how the walls could be anchored to the existing slab.

    Brick, got a question. I'm thinking of tearing down a rickety old frame storage shed I have out back and hiring someone to replace it with one built of concrete blocks. The dimensions would be (roughly) 12 feet wide by 15 feet long by 8 feet high. Can you give me your best estimate of what such a job would cost and how long it would take a good mason?

    The block shed would be built on an existing concrete slab.

    I decided I'd better go out and measure that concrete slab to see if the size was right. I was off. The true dimensions are 256 inches long (21 feet, 4 inches) by 100 inches (8 feet, 4 inches) wide.