Posts from chester7777 in thread „YouTube Humor“

    See if you can wrap your brain around this -



    Wait a minute!!! WHAT! WHAT!:confused_smile::confused: That is so convoluted - where could this end anyway? I'm not even going to think about this anymore or else I'll wind up on the funny farm!:sad::blink:

    Maybe this graphic explanation will help -



    While working in construction in the San Jose, CA area, we would see quite a few taco trucks on the job sites selling their wares. The unwritten rule was to avoid the rigs that had cat pelts drying on the back. :vomit:meow!

    ej, you are so right about that! I watched a bunch of the roasts the other day. VERY funny. There's not enough time in a day to watch them all.

    Not exactly "rolling on the floor laughing" funny, but we got a good chuckle out of this (Homeless James Bond) -



    Let me preface this by commenting that I love Ronald Reagan. That being said, below is, without a doubt, one of the funniest Johnnie Carson sketches I can remember. The Mrs. and I were watching an episode of "24" the other night and there was a character named Yassir. We took one look at each other and busted up laughing.



    Chester :newyear:

    I wasn't quite sure where to put these, so I picked here, because these are unlikely instruments on which to hear Rossini's "William Tell Overture," which could make it a little humorous.


    First, Glen Campbell -



    Next, a man we've seen in concert almost a dozen times, playing a classical medley concluding with the WTO, on a harmonica, in Carnegie Hall! Watch the faces in the crowd, and their response at the end. Priceless!



    I know we have posted some particularly funny YouTubes in "A Friendly Subject" but it seemed like they should be here in the YouTube video forum, so here's a separate thread for the non-Duke related ones.

    Here's one I thought was pretty funny



    Chester :newyear: