Posts from jdukew in thread „Wildcard“

    i didn't include/type the " " in with Randolph Scott's name in the search box, i was merely highlighting Randolph Scott's name.

    If i comprehend your reply, does that mean wildcards need updating in your 'search' tool? For example, if i wanted to search for "Randolph Scott", would this name or title be too long or too short to be considered for a search within this forum to receive another posting or thread concerning Randolph Scott, the actor and his affiliation with John Wayne's career in film?:vomit: Because when i first typed in Randolph Scott's name into the seacrh box, i was given a 'wildcard'. Therefore, are there things i am not allowed to type in for searches, and will i continue receiving these 'wildcard' replies stating that my search words or names are to long or too short to be used in the search box?

    i used the 'search' option and tried several movie titles and actors' names but to no avail. the only message appearing after my searches was 'you have generated a wildcard and my searches were discrded?:vomit:o, whats a 'WILDCARD'?? what does it translate to?