Posts from Stumpy in thread „Are We Too Critical Of Kevin Costner?“

    I''ll steal a quote from robbie, "Different strokes, for different folks".

    Truer words were never spoken - I've been living by that philosophy for most of my life,
    except when it comes to politics. I simply cannot reconcile myself to collectivism and/or socialism of any color.

    P.S. Forgot to add, Kevin - certain of your moderators (and apparently you yourself) don't believe in "different strokes for different folks", since any hint of disagreement among posters on the board seem to draw criticism and/or censorship from those in charge. This attitude flies in the face of reality, since differences of opinion are as common as leaves on the trees.

    The one thing I don't comprehend is when someone doesn't like an actor or their movies because of the actor's political or personal beliefs. They are seperate, in my eyes. I can't stand to listen to Clooney or Penn or Susan Sarandon when they get on their soap boxes, but on the screen...I think they are very good at their craft. Same for Tom Cruise, I think he went off the deep end a long time ago, but I enjoy his films. I seperate the actor from the activist. If I didn't, it would really limit what I could watch.

    I'll freely admit that in a few instances, the political orientation of certain performers has certainly had a negative influence in my regard for them. This is particularly true of Jane Fonda, who I strongly believe should be stood against a wall and shot for her treasonous activities during the Vietnam War. At least two others whose blatant leftism arouses a very strong dislike in me are Barbra Streisand and Sean Penn. I will never again view a film featuring any one of those three, although I remember seeing one with Fonda before she became so notorious ("Barbarella") and one with Penn (forget the name but if I remember correctly, it was directed by Eastwood, which is the only reason I decided to watch it.)

    In the thread I initiated asking for the names of participants' least-liked actors/actresses, it's obvious that almost all those named fall on the left side of the political spectrum, which strongly suggests that most board members who posted in that thread are like me in that they fall on the right side.

    Duke was a forthright and unapologetic right-winger with a great love for our country. I'd be willing to bet that most Americans who love the man share his political beliefs; in most cases, that's probably why they're such loyal fans. Now we can't attribute Duke's fandom by those in other lands to any particular regard for America but once again, I'd bet that most of 'em are conservatives, thus on the right side of the political spectrum.

    There have been many Hollywood performers who were/are known leftists but who made an effort to keep their political beliefs to themselves. Among these are some of the finest performers of my generation and whom I regard with almost as much veneration as I do Duke himself. Among these are Gregory Peck, Burt Lancaster, Paul Newman, Kirk Douglas and others whose names momentarily slip my mind.

    So I'd have to say that if you don't let a performers politics influence you, you're an exception to the rule on this board, Mark.

    I think there are probably more on the board who do like him than those who don't, Rob.