Posts from Duke_Wayne in thread „Gunsmoke (1955-1975)“

    I would highly reccommend James Arness's autobiography to anyone. He discusses his WWII days, his war injury, his surfing/ boating days, his very close relationship with The Duke, all the way to his current days. Burt Reynolds (Quint from Gunsmoke) wrote the forward.

    Great book!

    My all-time favorite Western television series! I grew up watching Gunsmoke & grew up wanting to become a Law Dog like Matt, which I did.

    Gunsmoke had it all: The brave Marshal, loyal friends (Chester/ Festus), the pretty gal (Kitty), grumpy o'le Doc, and many supporting members i.e. Quint, Newly, Sam, Thad, etc. What a chemestry between the cast also!

    Here is a photo of one of my prized possessions: