Posts from ShortGrub in thread „The Great Escape (1963)“

    EE, thanks for posting the music score to the movie. One of the things I like about Bernstein is his music was written for the place and time, not to prove or say anything but just to add to the quality of the movie itself.

    Yeah 50 of the 76 got shot. A few got away, and some were returned to the camp. It is said to be based on a true story, but I have read so many books from 'Albeit Macht Frei' camp survivors that the treatment in that movie doesn't line up.
    Albeit Macht Frei is Work will make you free which was on the gates of work camps located inside of Germany. Dachau for an example.

    The motorcycle jump scene is probably my favorite part, but I also enjoy the part where Garner in his loyality to Pleasence helped him escape. The plane crash scene where Pleasence, blind is walking towards the Germans and Garner trys to stop them from getting shot. Friendship and loyality, it doesn't get any better then that.