Posts from The Tennesseean in thread „Dances with Wolves (1990)“

    Thanks for the well-reasoned response, Peridot. I really AM glad we can discuss things like this without it turning into a urinating contest! ; )

    The Mississippians were another tribe that were phased out by other tribes and other factors. Here in Tennessee, we have lots of mounds to remember them by, but TVA (in it's infinite "wisdom") created a new recreational area called Tellico Lake/Dam (NOT for flood control), that covered whole village sites (for the Mississippi AND Cherokee), so further research is impossible.

    Thanks to you too, Keith! I'm proud of my heritage of German, Welsh, Scots Irish, Cherokee, French, English, and Norweigen blood!!! I think it tends to give me a more "open" mind in these matters.

    OK...I'm going to post a minor rebuttal to Peridot's previous post. I mean NO disrespect whatsoever, and I'll go to the mat defending her right to post what she did, but I don't entirely agree with her.

    This is NOT directed solely in response to Peridot's response, but speaks to a larger issue of revisionist history that has been popular since the '60s.

    While I completely agree with Peridot that the post to which she's referring is quite narrow in scope, I feel hers is also a bit narrow - at least in the overall "gist" of it.

    Peridot...if I missed the overall point of your post, please forgive me. I REALLY am not trying to cause trouble, just provide an expanded view.

    To say atrocities were ONLY perpetrated by Europeans is QUITE narrow, and flies directly in the face of the history of many of the tribes in this country.

    Indians (btw...nearly ALL members of this grouping, including myself - part Cherokee - PREFER this term) have feuded with one another for centuries, all the while raping, pillaging, and enslaving other tribe members in pursuit of "territory."

    Apaches were SO feared in Arizona and northern Mexico, because they (and their Mexican counterparts) would raid into Mexican villages and even other tribes committing all sorts of crimes against humanity. All in an effort to expand THEIR fiefdom

    We won't even get started on the Commanche, as they made the Apaches look almost civil.

    Before it looks like I'm trying to DEFEND any atrocities committed by Europeans, let me say that I'm familiar with the inhumane methods employed by a number of non-Indians, and I don't agree with them.

    I cannot (and WILL not) apologize for a previous generations actions, as that has nothing to do with me, but I won't support it, either.

    As residents of any region, you cannot declare that no one can "own" any plot of ground, yet at the same time declaring that you don't want "white" people to have it because "YOU" own it!

    It makes no sense.

    Having said all of that (forgive my longwindedness), I completely agree with a lot of what Peridot said, and the fact that history sometimes seems to have no alliance with the complete truth is a strong point for BOTH of us.

    I believe ALL cultures should be celebrated, but ignorance, bigotry, and racism are present (unfortunately) in all of them, and because of this, many "lost" cultures have been forgotten (many of them here in America, but gone before the white man arrived), and without an OBJECTIVE view from all sides...history could repeat itself.