Posts from ZS_Maverick in thread „"Shooting Sundown" opening this Friday“

    Hey Chester,

    It went great. We didn't get the audience we wanted, there was not the advertising that usually goes with these productions, but the crowd that did show up liked it. We talked with the crowd after the shows, and they gave the best reviews like, "this was so witty", "I had a lot of fun", and "I love all the one liners in this!", etc. As I say, it didn't get the media coverage of the shows that this company put on in the past, so if there were reviews, they were in the Bonham, Texas paper, and I didn't see them.

    We ran seven shows in all and out of that we have two dead nights where we heard nothing but the crickets chirping, and the last Sunday matinee show was fair...we were all tired, and ready for it to be over! But the other four shows, especially the opening night and the final Saturday night we had a good crowd who laughed in all the right places. It was the most fun I've had in a long time! I watched a recording of it at the cast party, and I was probably the weakest actor in the bunch! (I'm a comedian not an actor! When the audience laughed at my lines, I wanted to break character and laugh with them). But it was fun! Hope to do it again sometime!