Posts from The Ringo Kid in thread „Stalag 17 (1953)“

    I just watched it again about 2-3 days ago. This is another one i'll never get tired of. Pretty soon i'll rewatch all of my Gregory Peck war classics of: Twelve O'Clock high, The Guns of Navarone, The Sea Wolves, Pork Chop Hill and MacArthur.

    Hi Jay, ha ha ha, that's a good possible answer ;-D I'm a collector of their rank insignia, and IM confused. You think you have seen it all, and wallah, you see something new almost everytime.

    I quickie since the damned computer-or website messed up on me again today.

    The authors explanation for the differences between the Germans ranks for Corporal and Sergeant are misleading. What he does not say is that in the German Army, the rank of Unteroffizier-which literally means: Underofficer-is NOT solely a rank of Corporal-which are: Gefreiter, Obergefreiter and Stabsgefrieter-Lance Corporal, Corporal and Staff Corporal) and depends also on years of service. An Obergefreiter and Stabs Gefrieter are actually the same rank only the Staff Corporal has at least 6 years experiance and the Corporal does not.

    The rank of Unteroffizier IS equal to Corporal (Obergefreiter) and also to Feldwebel (Buck Sergeant) because of the various jobs that they did. Sergeants ranks are: Feldwebel, StabsFeldwebel, HauptFeldwebel and Der Spiess or-Sergeant Major.

    The usage fro Unteroffizier and it's exact rank meaniings depends on the soldiers job. The differences of German ranks can be very confusing and to be a Feldwebel-one does NOT have to have a Silver rank pip on his Shoulderboard-not Shoulderstraps or Epaulettes. A Feldwebels boared-the end facing the arm-would be closed off by a line of tresse.

    Their WWII ranks can be confusing-for instance-their words for Captain.

    Hauptmann and Rittmeister are used ONLY by their Army (Heer) and Air Force (Luftwaffe) Kapitan zur See is their Kriegsmarine (War Navy) rank for Captain. SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer was only used by the Waffen SS (Armed SS)

    Stalag 17, another timeless classic I never tire of watching. The whole cast was great in it. This is another I have probably seen at least 50 times-over the years. Nobody could beat Sig Ruman as Sergeant Schultz.