Posts from brick in thread „Tim Holt“

    Big Jim The western channel anounces its six gun salute daily to whatever actor. When you watch it daily as I do You'll learn true west moments and the stars they'll salute in weeks and or months to come. I'll bet if you go to their website you'll see whats upcoming. I usually watch ole gene and smiley daily. Smiley Burnette was a gifted musician not to mention funny to boot. So theree you have it now you know what a boring life I live. lol God Bless America

    the western channel is doing a salute to Tim on 1-29-2011. Tim is buried a half mile from my home, in Harrah Oklahoma. I still visit his grave. His son still lives in Harrah. I talk with elders and they remeber the day he died and they day Duke came to town twice as matter of fact once in a parade and the other for his funeral. I believe duke saw him the day he died in Shawnee hospital about 15 miles away. We have Tim Holt drive in Harrah. I always liked Holts movies. My little town has quite a history with the waners being born here, carl Hubbel up the road a piece. Behind my house is the old wagon trail and you can still see the buffalo wallers from sattelite. The prarie grass on 50 acres is virgin ground, I take my dog and we'll sit in the wallers reliving the buffalo grazing as a few Indian Hunters riding by and we listen for the noon stage as she creaks and hoofs pound the ground making time for the passengers, Maybe Bill Tiglman is riding through with one of the doolins as prisoner. I hear Gunshots and a hoop and hollar its old Pete Bourbon drunk again, I reckon I better meander over there and take his gun away for he shoots himself and lock him up for the night. Yes my little Town was there. God bless America!!