Posts from dukefan1 in thread „Ringo Kid update of sorts.“

    Glad to hear from you, Ringo. Anytime you get a chance to drop in is great. I hope the new year will bring you better days and better times. We'll keep the fire burning until you get in again.


    The first time I heard that joke was when I was watching the movie For Those Who Think Young and it was told by a new comedian (at that time) by the name of Woody Woodbury. Mark, is that where you heard it from?

    Sorry, gt. I never heard of Woody Woodbury. I saw that story printed on a card back in 1979 and always remembered it. As a matter of fact, being that rat-pack that I am, I still have that card. My wife doesn't understand my need to hold on to things I've had for years. I always tell her, I've had it all this time, I'm not about to throw it out NOW! :stunned:



    Now just what is that supposed to mean????? Alcohol works whether or not you pour it on you or in you!!!!!!!

    This reminds me of a story about the use of alcohol.....

    Take two glasses. Fill one with water and the other with alcohol.
    Drop a worm into each glass.
    The worm in the water stays alive.
    The worm in the alcohol dies.

    We all know what that means, don't we?

    Drink lots of alcohol and you will never have worms. :wink_smile:

    Sorry you're not feeling up to snuff, Ringo. I hope ou kick it quick. Enjoy the wedding!


    I'm so happy for Ringo :hyper: ...But think about those poor women down at the library. They sure are gonna miss him.:cry2: He's been a daily part of their lives. Ringo, Don't forget to visit them once in a while. :wink_smile: Enjoy your computer!

    Thanks for all of you who made this possible. Makes a person feel good. Real good :thumbs_up:
