Posts from The Ringo Kid in thread „Hd Dvd And Blu Ray“


    Originally posted by Jay J. Foraker@Nov 27 2006, 12:53 PM
    I'm curious about this "blue ray" myself. I saw a small display in Target the other day - Noticed that the prices were considerably higher than regular DVDs. We are reaching the point of diminishing returns here on how we can get the absolute best product. Personally, I'm very happy with the quality of DVDs the way they are now. This seems to me another way to get consumers to spend their money to try to upgrade their video collections and be the first on their block to do so :stunned: . Just how much improvement will this "blue ray" be over a regular DVD? I think we have reached the point where one would have to make a direct comparison between the two to distinguish any improvement.
    Cheers - Jay <_<


    I know nothing about these other types of DvD's but, I fully agreew with ya Jay. I also will add, that I Aint
    going to start buying another kind of dvd. I flat out just can't afford to do so.