Posts from chester7777 in thread „Gran Torino“

    then but, about 6 months after I resigned-the State gave everybody across the board-a $10,000 a year raise. I might have stayed if we had been given that raise a year or so earlier.

    Out here in California, everybody in the higher levels of Government have
    been getting these $10,000 raises pretty regular, to where the Government employees are making more than the private sector. Gives one the reason why the state is so broke.

    But to get this back on topic, even the actor Clint Eastwood worked as a city Mayor. :shades_smile:

    Chester :newyear:

    Well, Bob, I can only speak for myself, but . . . (1) I wasn't offended in the least (and I don't think anybody else was, either), (2) I certainly don't think you're a racist, and (3) I consider it a pleasure and privilege to know a 'cranky old cuss' like you :wink_smile:!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    I think I saw it as erthomp did. Walt dying on his terms (like Books going out shooting and being shot, rather than dying a long, torturous death by cancer) AND having so many witnesses to these thugs' actions, they would surely be locked up and the key thrown to the bottom of the ocean. I didn't see it as an anti-violence message, because Walt didn't seem opposed to violence, particularly.

    But Bob, I also see your point of view, that these creeps (cockroaches!) would be better off dead!! Let's face it, Walt would only have taken out one or two even if he'd had a gun. Doing it his way, maybe the whole bunch got hauled off to jail (and hopefully split up between numerous prisons).

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    There was quite a bit of profanity, including misuse of the Lord's name, as WaynamoJim indicated. The violence was not over the top, IMO, but somewhat graphic.

    I usually stay away from movies like that, but I admit my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to tough it out. It was a good movie, not necessarily one that I would watch over and over, and definitely NOT one I would let my kids watch.

    A site I check when deciding if I want to spend my hard-earned money on a movie ticket is It has saved me TONS of money! I have also used Kids-in-Mind as well.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Did anyone see any similarities between this (presumably Clint's last role) and The Shootist? I saw the film twice, the first time while traveling with my 20 year old son, then about a week later, with my wife. I really enjoyed it both times (and so did my son and wife). I was struck by some similarities - although now I hesitate to say, not wanting to ruin it for DukePilgrim (or anyone else who hasn't seen it).

    So maybe, if we want to talk about it, I could alter the title of the thread to reflect that there may be some spoilers. What do you think?

    Jim (aka Chester :newyear:)