Posts from Hondo Duke Lane in thread „Liberty Valance was a liberal??“

    Sorry to bump up an old thread but I've been reading through this and I am surprised people didn't know Marvin was a Democrat. Just because he was in three movies with John Wayne didn't mean he shared his views.

    First of all, I'd like to welcome you here to this great message board for John Wayne and friends.

    Yes, you are right about Lee Marvin. But if you read what I said just above you, you will see that he kept a low profile as far as I know. I think he was a fine man. So I'm not sure what you point is, and know that John Wayne worked with many Democrats. He was the one in a minority.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo Duke Lane

    To keep this in context to the subject, Lee Marvin was a great actor. He didn't flaunt his political agenda in the context like some liberals in Hollywood. He kept to himself as far as I can see.

    Not all liberals are drug users, drunks, or sex animals, just like not all conservatives are bible thumpers, abortion clinic bombers, or anti-Hollywood. You must realise that stereotyping groups only gets you in trouble, make you out to be a bigot or make you an idiot.

    My comment about having fun with some of the liberals I date or go with does not make me a drug addit, or alcoholic, nor does it make them. That also goes for the comments about sex. Believe it or not you can have fun with anyone without those kinds of things. As a matter of fact most of them were dates I took to church socials. And we still had fun. It was years ago and we didn't have to drink.

    Cheers :cool:

    John Wayne worked with a lot of liberals. There were a mess of them. He worked with at least one homosexual (known fact in his book, John Wayne: American). In order to make pictures for his fans, he had to associate with them constantly. That was the world he lived in. He had friends who were liberals, and was known to be pretty good friends with Rock Hudson. Your point about Lee Marvin IMO is irreverent, and to make noise about it really makes no sense. I associate with all kinds of people, and have dated liberals myself. They are fun, but they do not influence me in my political, religious, and personal beliefs.

    Most of Duke's leading ladies were liberals. To name a few like Lauren Bacall, Katherine Hepburn, Katherine Ross, Sophia Loren, Ann Margaret, Joan Crawford, Donna Reed, and Susan Hayworth. My gosh he did a few TV shows with Lucille Ball a communist (according to a news article, and confirmed by her just to register as a dying wish from her uncle, but not active member).

    What is the point here?

    Cheers :cool: Hondo