Posts from The Ringo Kid in thread „Liberty Valance was a liberal??“

    Robbie, I don't think Wayne (above me) has a hidden agenda. I think that his post was taken out of context.I think most here replied like he wanted to-same with me ;-))

    As for my views on liberals--if I come across someone who is liberal-but can also be fairly biased--I have absolutely no problems with them and we can get along perfectly--and this is coming from someone who also can't stand many liberals and their beliefs. I come up against them on Military History sites all the time and I have a nickname for them which is: that they are Lemmings. This term ONLY applies to the ones I am talking about that are over @ as well as (which is rather strange that liberals are there-and who collect that terrible all nasty NAZI stuff. One liberal on those sites I do not get along with at all and I have the lowest opinion of him-is a guy with the username of formerjughead, This guy is nothing but an "Agitative Mouth." That is MY nickname for him.

    Anyway, to end this-I do not believe that Wayne-has any hidden agenda about liberals and gays. I think he is probably more out-spoken than many-about his views.

    Sorry if my post rubs you the wrong way-it aint meant ;-))

    Hi Shortgrub, I feel the same as you and the rest do in that if people of the same sex want to be together-fine-my motto on that is live and let live-but-it riles me to no end when they try doing their "thing" in front of me or try to force me into accepting their lifestyles-which I will never do.

    I like Lee Marvin and many of his movies very much-but I still do not believe he has a drop of liberal blood in his system-when he was still alive.

    As someone sorta mentioned earlier-I take a lot of what I read about on IMDB-as well as Wikepedia-with a grain of salt. Personally I cannot see nor do believe that Lee Marvin was a liberal. That is only my opinion and something that I cannot prove as fact-but I liked it much better when actors and such kept their views to themselves-which in turn-kept me liking some of them and they in turn remained - for lack of words that escape me at this time but "Untainted."

    I still like some of Martin Sheens movies such as The Final Countdown, Enigma and Gettysburg-in which he faithfully plays one of my all-time personal heroes-that of the great CONFEDERATE General Robert Edward Lee. I guess I have liked Sheen and his movies for so long that I can't come to dislike him for his out-spoken politics. One show I absolutely hated was-West Wing. That TV series of leftwing trash-is somehting I can forgive him for being a part of. One left-winger I will never forgive-is alec baldwin. Forever he is tainted in my view-same as Sean Penn-even though like Charles Bronson thought of him in that he IS a great actor-just that he can't keep him BIG mouth shut.