Posts from ethanedwards in thread „Are There Any Good Duke B Movies?“

    I like all of Duke's B movies,
    not only because some are very good
    but because of their interest value.
    To see Duke learning and honing his skills,
    to see his improvement of delivery and his slowly developing cadence of voice,
    to see his interaction with his friends and colleagues,
    to see his his great developing fight scenes and stunts with Yakima Cannutt.

    OK all of them were not great productions
    but they were masterpieces in their own right.

    They are the very films that delivered us
    the Duke we grew to know and love.

    When Lone Star and Monogram were merged to form Republic,
    the budgets were significantly increased,
    so from Westwood Ho! onwards Dukes 'B'
    were an improvement.

    However I am great fan of all Duke's 'Poverty Row' movies,
    and think they were all great fun.

    As Stumpy, Arthur and myself have said in the past,
    us kids grew up at the Staurday morning matinees,
    watching all these films.
    They are classics, every single one of them!!