Posts from H.sanada in thread „93 Disc DVD Box Set“

    Wow! That's an average of $30 per disc! There are hardly any movies I would consider paying thirty dollars for.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Hi Mrs.C
    Beause you were surprised,i researched a Japan-US dvd price.
    When the price of dvd is compared,It is true that US's is cheaper and
    Japan's is high.
    For example American dvd of 20 dollars costs in Japan 30-40dollars.
    Dvd box set's price becomes more expensive in Japan.

    As the cause of that three points below are pointed out.
    1.In Japan the cost of translaton and making subtitles is required.
    2.Among Japan the rental store of video and dvd is many,the people who purchase dvd are few.
    3.Diffusion rate of dvd recorder is high,so the Japanese consciousness that will purchase dvd is thin.

    However, In regard to the print media(publication) ,Japanese one is cheaper than US.
    Most Japanese likes book(including comic book)Ha ha .


    The DVD box set which contains all 90 movie of Yujiro Ishihara who is
    the famous Japanese actor is released in this April.
    In order to see this DVD set,8862 minutes are required and price is
    about 2800 dollars.
    this 93 disc set may be worthy to record on the Guinnes Book.
    When DVD set of all works of John Wayne is made,how much?
    and Do you want to buy?:wink_smile:
