Posts from Gorch in thread „What are the latest movies you bought on DvD/Blu-Ray?“

    Jim, I thought that Star Trek Into Darkness was a great 3D presentation and I enjoyed how they twisted and riffed on the references to The Wrath of Khan.
    That being said, I have never been a true fan of Star Trek in general and have never seen any of the seemingly infinite number of spin off series. But, being a sucker for a good deal, Amazon had a one day sale of the first 6 Trek films on Blue for $29.00. They arrived today and I plan to counterbalance them by watching some of Duke's prime films.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    "Major Dundee" has crossed the Rio Bravo and is heading north to my blue ray player.
    "The Great Escape", 50 year anniversary edition has also been pre-ordered. I had the pleasure of seeing it on its opening day - Friday, July 4, 1963. Sat through it twice and went back the next day for another two viewings.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Hello Bill of PA. If you think of it, let me know your opinion about the Blu-ray Sand Pebbles. I understand that the deleted scenes are only included as extras, while they are properly inserted in the DVD. The extended cut DVD though, is inferior to the theatrical cut as far as quality goes.

    Love this film.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Ordered that five pack of Universal westerns from the '50s. Widescreen versions of Pillars of the Sky and Backlash, and Horizons West, Dawn at Socorro and Saskatchewan. It's on sale from TCM for $45.00 and ships today.
    You may want to buy stock in Visine.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    The beans are back in the can. Can't wait to hear how you guys like Drums.
    Took advantage of Amazon on line sales again and upgraded some titles to blue ray - Cool Hand Luke, Aliens, To Kill a Mockingbird, Little Shop of Horrors and Twilight's Last Gleaming. Also got Mel's Get the Gringo.
    Going to be busy real soon.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Looks like you have a lot of time to spend catching up on those titles, Carl. Thought that JPJ was a bit creaky and talky, but Yellowstone has decent production values and the benefit of Claude Akins and Warren Oates. The real treasure is Thunder of Drums. Got some stills I'll have to post soon.
    Happy viewing.

    Took advantage of Black Friday to order some reduced price titles like Jaws, E.T. (for the grand kids), Hatfields and McCoys, and Breaking Bad seasons.

    The Ringo Kid had asked about the "Spartacus" series. The first season which starred Andy Whitfield started out like a copycat of "300" - with cartoon blood and surreal backgrounds, but it eventually toned down the toon look and became more realistic. The gore and sex are over the top - if any fan boy wondered what Xena, Warrior Princess looked like under her costume, this is for you.

    The death of star Whitfield threw the production into a tailspin so the next season consisted of only six episodes but was set in time before Spartacus came on the scene. It is actually better than the first season.

    With a new actor playing Sparty, the gladiators are in the countryside, hiding and ambushing Roman regulars.

    The fourth season starts next year and we don't need a spoiler alert to guess the outcome.

    I winced at some of the cruel torture scenes which must have been supervised by a medical examiner. The suspense, the plotting, the battle scenes and even some of the supporting performances bump this up to at least a viewing if you're curious.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Criterion blues of "Stagecoach", "Paths of Glory" and "The Seven Samurai". "Stagecoach is the only one of I've watched so far. The opening titles were a bit ragged and looked pretty worn but then the film proper started and the movie has never looked better. A real improvement over any version I've ever seen.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Not DVD, but blue rays of "American Horror Story" - the first season, which creeped me and my wife out big time; the second and third seasons of "Breaking Bad"; and "The Three Stooges".
    In order to see "Hatari" for the group watch, I looked for it on blue but had to settle for a 3 pack DVD of John Wayne Adventure Movies by Paramount. It contained "Hatari", "Donovan's Reef" and "In Harm's Way". The "Hatari" copy was pretty inferior. I haven't viewed the others, but don't have high expectations for them. Beware!

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Hello Dooley. Yep, I pre-ordered "Hondo" from Amazon. It'll be the first one I slam into the player.

    "Zulu" is one of the two best transfers I've seen so far, the other being "The Magnificent Seven". These are both films I've seen uncountable times and I still cannot believe the fine details on Blue.

    Thanks for the info on "Rio Lobo". That will be the bottom half of my double feature.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Just received Blues of "Zulu" and "Cleopatra" which are for sale on Amazon UK and are all region playable.
    Have on order: "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", "Hondo", "Ironclad", "From Russia With Love" and "Rio Lobo".
    I read that GBU was not very well upgraded on Blue and I'm buying "Ironclad" blindly because a friend described it as a combination of Prince John meets the Magnificent Seven at the Alamo.
    What the hell?

    We deal in lead, friend.