Posts from The Ringo Kid in thread „Books on Duke“

    Howdy Carl!

    Hoping your Thanksgiving was the best and hoping your Christmas is even better. Mine will be since I have a "newly baked fresh from the oven--brand new Great Nephew" to look forward to seeing ;-))

    Oh and, I still have all my Sgt, Rocks, Sgt. Fury's and some G.I. Combats--ill look when possible and see if I have any extra copies of any? and if so? willl be glad to give them to you. Most of the ones i have arent in mint--I read and reread them many times. Havent looked at them in about 20 years.

    I'm looking forward to reading this as well. And, there is another new one coming out next year called "John Wayne: The Genuine Article" by Michael Goldman. It is also authorized by Wayne Enterprises and Ethan Wayne wrote the preface for it. It is due to be released May 14, 2013. You can read more about here at Amazon:…ine-Article/dp/1608871169

    With the recent spate of crap books about John Wayne (either photocopied wikipedia pages, or the "let's tear down John Wayne" "deconstruction" books), it's nice to see some good books coming out about John Wayne.

    Ill look forward to this one--especially since it comes out 3 days after I turn 46.

    Oh and: Hi Bob--long time no see and hear ;-))

    Sounds like a great book cept for one thing--a forward by martin scorcese. I cant stand him and if I got a copy? i'd rip the forward out of it. I know I got into trouble once before by saying it but-ill say it again. I can't stand anti-American Americans. >:-(( also:: //:<=(