Posts from The Tennesseean in thread „Books on Duke“

    This is probably already under discussion somewhere else on the site, but...has anyone seen this newest version of "let's try to trash John Wayne as much as we can, entitled - When The Legend Became Fact - The True Life of John Wayne?"

    It's written by some guy named Richard Douglas Jensen, who claims to be an acclaimed author, veteran film actor (yet no film credits of him exist on IMDb...), and nationally known defense attorney...

    Can someone please shed some light on this for me? He claims he idolized JW growing up in the 40's, and wanted to work with him in the 70's, but simply EVERYONE he spoke with during that time told him that he didn't, because he was an absolute tyrant on the set, and made life miserable for everyone. He supposedly spoke with ONLY those who worked with Duke, so they "knew" what they were they were talking about...This flies in the face of EVERYONE that I know in L.A. that worked with JW personally, and knew folks that worked with JW.

    I just can't believe this guy talked to people who were "in the know" about the real situation about Duke's life. I'm not going to go into all that he's claiming, and no, I haven't read the book yet, but he's claiming (among several other disgusting things), that Duke beat all three of his wives and all the kids...I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it.

    I would appreciate some feed back. I know that JW was far from perfect, but this smells of a smear job with a side of money grabbing...

    OK...I did a little more research, and I discovered that he wrote the book about Ben Johnson that everyone like called "The Nicest Fella," so I'm at least willing to give him a chance...