Posts from BatjacAuburn in thread „Books on Duke“

    It is one thing to support the enemy (a la Jane Fonda) but it is another thing entirely to exercise one's Constitutional freedom of expression to openly oppose a war even while it's being waged. Are we all just supposed to shut up and go along with what the government is doing even if one is adamantly against it? What about veterans who have fought in various wars and then come back and oppose them publicly even while they're still going on? Anyway, this probably belongs in the Politics thread by now so if anyone wants to continue this conversation, let's move it over there. ;)

    Changed my mind about getting into this conversation. I answered your question in a civil manner as to why Scorses could be considered anti-American and you want to take it all the way out there. Ringo's statement is also protected free speech.

    Not to answer for Ringo but Scorsese made a few anti-war films/documentaries durring the Vietnam era and was a very vocal in his opposition to the war as was much of Hollywood. While we can all look back and say Vietnam was a mistake, being vocal and public in your opposition while American men and women were in harm's way rubbed a great many people the wrong way. Call it Jane Fonda Syndrome. I have never seen THE BIG SHAVE or STREET SCENES and don't have time to find out how Scorsese caveated his anti-war rhetoric. However, if he was part of the crowd demonizing the men and women who served their country; to me, and I'm sure to Ringo, that was anti-American. You aren't seeing Soldiers demonized in our current war. I suspect the anti-"anti-American" backlash from the Vietnam era may have something to do with that....but that's just a guess.

    I guess I am somewhat more forgiving than Ringo about some of these things. The 60s and early 70s were a time of incredible emotions and change across this country. I'm not sure many of those changes were for the better but they are what they are. Many still hold grudges. I will not find fault with those that do but I am more willing to let time heal wounds

    Did a little more research on Scorsese and found that he also aligned himself with the Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Dixie Chicks "let's use our celebrity to stop the war and talk bad about George Bush coalition" in 2003 -2004. Scorsese appeared on British television/radio as part of this organized push in 2003.

    Also found that he was part of the "Marxist Revolutionary Movement" (not my term) in the late 60s early 70s on top of being anti-Vietnam war.

    It's all protected free speech, part of what makes this country great. But he has given those who disagree with his politics plenty of ammunition to call him "anti-American". Which is also protected free speech and in this case far more understandable than the same being said about Kevin Costner a few months ago.

    I foresee these posts being moved to the politics board in 3, 2, 1....

    What exactly makes Scorsese anti-American? Specific examples or analysis please, not just "he's a liberal" or his movies are "violent."

    Not to answer for Ringo but Scorsese made a few anti-war films/documentaries durring the Vietnam era and was a very vocal in his opposition to the war as was much of Hollywood. While we can all look back and say Vietnam was a mistake, being vocal and public in your opposition while American men and women were in harm's way rubbed a great many people the wrong way. Call it Jane Fonda Syndrome. I have never seen THE BIG SHAVE or STREET SCENES and don't have time to find out how Scorsese caveated his anti-war rhetoric. However, if he was part of the crowd demonizing the men and women who served their country; to me, and I'm sure to Ringo, that was anti-American. You aren't seeing Soldiers demonized in our current war. I suspect the anti-"anti-American" backlash from the Vietnam era may have something to do with that....but that's just a guess.

    I guess I am somewhat more forgiving than Ringo about some of these things. The 60s and early 70s were a time of incredible emotions and change across this country. I'm not sure many of those changes were for the better but they are what they are. Many still hold grudges. I will not find fault with those that do but I am more willing to let time heal wounds