Posts from ShortGrub in thread „Hockey a love hate relationship“

    Any time it takes 3+ hours to play a 1 hour game is 3 hours wasted. I used to like hockey when the Canadian teams were Canadians and the US teams were Americans. Once they started bringing in the European imports that finished me. Plus I couldn't be bothered to sit for 3 hours.

    Hockey got ruined by all those politically correct morons who never played or understood the game. The Europeans didn't effect the game, but in many ways made it better. I played against AHL level players and top US college and the Euro style changed the way the NHL played.
    The PC morons changed the Pee Wee, High School and Amateur players rules so that no one gets hurt physically or emotionally. I played a HS reunion game and in the first two minutes was in the penalty box.
    I like good hockey, and coached HS for awhile. Nothing like teaching a player a good hip check.