Posts from Paula in thread „question about blue ray“

    I wish I could change my name to MGM because I'd do a lot better job with their apparently now-defunct-for-the-second-time MOD DVD program than the current people in charge are doing.

    In the interests of perpetuating a "my gun is bigger than your gun discussion" :) -- if you add up all the movies and television I have on VHS (yes, still have some VHS -- you'd be surprised how many titles came out on VHS and never on DVD), laser disc, DVD and Blu-ray, it probably runs into the several thousands. And no, I don't have time to watch everything and I'm pretty sure I'll end up in Boot Hill with many of them unwatched. (Though most of them I saw at some point, if not actually via the actual video in my collection.)

    That's how it is with us obsessive collectors. We keep collecting. ;)

    And I haven't even mentioned the CDs and books! ;)

    My husband has switched to the Kindle for all his reading so we've been able to go through his shelves and give away quite a few of his books. He had a lot of mass market paperbacks he'd never read again as a physical book.

    If you get a new TV for Blu-ray, make sure it's 1080p (not 720 or 1080i) and at least 40 inches. Smaller than 40 inches, you won't really get the benefits of the Blu-ray upgrade.