Posts from Hawkswill in thread „question about blue ray“

    I hope to really collect one day. Maybe I can if I get an advance on one of the books, although, it will probably be the MY Gibbons one. Then, I will get hold of PETER the expert and find out how to SAVE my collection! Wish I knew all about that stuff. But then, I would want it, and now is NOT the time, LOL! KP

    Hi Paula,
    Reading your posts I'm hardly surprised you have such a collection.
    I have been wading through my VHS tapes and putting them on DVD before the tapes fall apart. Actually now I've started converting the files to mkvs or mpegs to save more room.
    It's amazing how collections grow, it's only when you stop and take a look you see how big they're getting!

    Hmmm, never had that problem with VHS'. Times I would have to take them apart and splice them.

    Yep, know about the scratch thing, but thanks. I use them in my shop sometimes and when they get bumped by a heavy piece of wood....look out!

    Should just stick with music in the shop....CASSETTES, LOL....can splice them also.

    Thanks Paula. I am BAD on my equipment, but I wouldn't JUMP on any of it, LOL.....although I may appear to be that kind of person in some of my posts.

    Well Paula, I always liked VHS better anyway. I could FIX them if they broke and the same with cassettes. Now, get a scratch on a CD or DVD, and they are history! I used to listen to the cassette books while working in my shop. I could stop and go right back to where I was. Then they took them all away at the library and put in the CDs.....most would not work all through the book,and if you stopped, you couldn't find your place again. Technology.......forever changing. KPKEITH