Posts from dukefan1 in thread „John Wayne Picture Game #209“

    Kid: Aha! It's super Glue. When I told you to shake her hand, I knew she was repairing a vase, and might still have some on her hand. Funny joke, eh? Hold on and I'll go get some solvent to dissolve the stuff so you can get unstuck.

    Duke: Not so fast kid. Don't go get anything. Just go. I'll take it from here. Well, hello there, beautiful!

    Hello Gang!

    Don't forget to vote on the last game. It's easy, just click here and chose a winner. Then, come back and vote!

    The winner of game #207 is...

    dukefan1. :))):

    Now. on to the next game. Take a look at the picture below and post a funny comment. Have fun with it!