Posts from Robbie in thread „Who Played the Worst Cowboy, and What Was The Worst Western“


    Westworld was a pretty good choice, I was watching it the other night on BBC one and I fond it to be far from the masterpiece many claim it to be.

    Byrner is good enough as the out of control robot but there are scenes in which he smiles etc which are more appropriate for sadistic bad guys than out of control robots. I never realised that he is a small guy because the first time we see him is when he enters the bar and he's a lot smaller than many others in the bar. The acting in the movie is poor the plot is slow to unravel and there is never any real danger of Brynner killing the lead actor. The best scene in the movis for me was when Brynner is standing against a pole in the side of the street confronts one of the lead actors and guns him down to everybodies amazement.

    With regards to Futureworld its been a while since I seen it but its awful. Byrnner(can't spell that word) has a bizarre role in it. He appears in a dream sequence of a female actress whom she fantacises about, he guns down some bad guys for her in this dream and then dances with her and thats all there is to it. :stunned:

    One point of trivia the character he plays in the two of these movies is loosely based on his character Chris from the Magnificent seven in regards to them wearing the same outfit and acting in the old west.1

    Another poor western I thought was the wild wild west with the usually rubbish Wil Smith I've only ever liked him in the fresh prince.
