Posts from SXViper in thread „Charlton Heston“

    They were both in "The Greatest Story Ever Told," however they shared no scenes together.

    Unfortunately for a period of time Duke and Charlton Heston did not get on very well, I'm not sure if they ever reconciled.


    Ahh, yes. I was not thinking of the great movie ensembles. I don't consider that a movie that they acted in just as I don't consider "The Longest Day" a movie that Duke and Sean Connery were in together as they never were on the screen at the sametime. Technically yes, but no on the actual "on screen" time.

    Don't worry about him being the president of NRA(gun thing). He was only mocked by the media and leftist elitest that have no clue what they are truly fighting against. He was doing a great service to thsi country and his legacy will hopefully only strengthen the NRA's position in the future.