Posts from dukefan1 in thread „John Wayne Picture Game #224“

    Seated woman: Duke, you must have a magnetic belt buckle. It's attatched the metal in knee replacement to you.

    Duke: You're too young to have a knee replacement.

    Seated woman: Yes, I am. But I'm old enough for other things.

    Donna: Oh boy, what a tramp.

    Old man: Don't you fret, little lady. I'm available.

    Hello Gang!

    Don't forget to vote on the last game. It's easy, just click here and chose a winner. Then, come back and vote!

    The winner of game #222 is...

    dukefan1. :))): Thanks for the votes.

    Now. on to the next game. Take a look at the picture below and post a funny comment. Have fun with it!