Posts from Alamo John UK in thread „The 50th anniversary gala of "the alamo"“

    Thanks for the clarification Keith, I will be snapping away like a hungry 'gator once I get over there so brace yourself for the influx of photos and reports!

    It's only a couple of days to take off now and I'm packed and ready to go just not looking forward to the 16 hour flight time from Gatwick but reckon it'll be well worth it in the end.

    BILL OF PA, hopefully I'll manage to catch up with you, but from what I gather there's going to be a lot of people milling around down there, so fingers crossed!!

    Hi Guys
    Haven't been here for a while, but thought I would share this with you.

    On Oct 8 there is to be a 3 day "Gala" in San Antonio to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the premiere of "The Alamo". A whole heap of things are to be going on down there inc' a showing of the movie at the IMAX, a fund raising event at the Alamo itself, plus a non associated day trip out to the film set in Bracketville.

    I have just booked myself a six day trip and secured my tickets for these events as I reckon it could be the ultimate Alamo experience for any fan of the Duke or of the Alamo itself, the gala promises to be some wild event with memorabilia from the film on display, a special presentation of the soundtrack played by a live orchestra, meet and greet with some of the Wayne family plus a live auction (of what, I'm not too clear about!) and hopefully an appearance or two from some of the surviving actors.

    All in all it promises to be a "Once in a lifetime" experience and I can't wait for it to come around, I've busted a gut (and my credit card!) to get on-board for this but reckon it will be well worth it.

    If you like I will post a full report on my return to share it with any who can't make it, is there a way of posting photos of things that happen as I don't know how the site rules work with that ? anyhow thought I would share my excitement with you all for now.
