Posts from ethanedwards in thread „Warners Ranch, California“

    Woodland Hills, California

    Harry Warner, one of the brothers in Warner Bros., purchased over 1,200 acres of land
    in Woodland Hills in the late 1920’s from the McCoy family.
    While a portion of the ranch was utilized for raising thoroughbred racehorses,
    other sections were set aside for filming purposes,
    including the erection of standing sets.

    The Army Fort

    Over time, these sets included a western town, a Mexican village,
    a ranch set, a western fort, and many other sets.

    The Western Street

    Large films and small used the ranch for location filming.
    Production companies other than Warner Bros. also rented the property.
    Films such as “The Adventures of Robin Hood”, “The Miracle of Fatima”,
    Good Earth”, and “Stalag 17” lensed there.

    A subsidary of Southern California Edison purchased the property for subdivision.
    Near the end of the life of the ranch as a movie setting,
    the Los Angeles County Fire Department practiced fire fighting
    by torching all of the remaining sets

    The Warner Ranch fort near the end of its life

    The fire department practicing on the sets

    A subsidary of Southern California Edison
    purchased the property for subdivision.
    Near the end of the life of the ranch as a movie setting,
    the Los Angeles County Fire Department practiced fire fighting
    by torching all of the remaining sets.

    Other Ranch sets:-

    Juarez Square



    .Information and Copyright by Jerry L. Schneider
    except for a select number of photographs
    and/or images which are copyrighted by their
    respective owners.

    For more information:-
    Warners Ranch- Wikipedia