Posts from Hondo Duke Lane in thread „Concern For Missing Members“


    You are right about having a fantastic site here and have so many who can come here and read about and talk about a great American, hero, actor, humanitarian, John Wayne. The best part about this great little site is that it is free thanks mainly because of the dreams and efforts of our Admin leader, Kevin. So, it doesn't make sense that we have so many who signed up and just disappeared without any kind of notice.

    I have been absent a few times over the years because of just being busy with life. And sometimes the conversation runs dry here and we just leave for a while.

    First, let me tell you that we don't forget our members here. In a period of a couple of months or more, we send a message from the message board informing our members who have been absent for a while, that they are missed and we'd love to have them come back and visit. After a long period of time we declare our members inactive and hope the will return. We unfortuniately have banned some members because of abuse issues of various kinds, but we try to bring them back.

    The bottom line is really it's up to them to return. I do miss some of our past active members and wish for their return, but it doesn't always happen. So, I just want to tell you that we here at the site, don't forget our members. We just wait for their return.

    You can also pm (personal message) a person and hope for their return. That would be not only helpful but also and nice way to just say that we miss you and thinking of you. Thanks for your suggestion. I also like when people here think of others before self.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo Duke Lane, moderator

    Hey Jay, I was wondering what was happening to you, but I know that life gets in the way at times and you'll be back when you can. This time of year can leave us away from the computer and places like this. I am glad to see you back. Keep me in line ole friend.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    You can send a PM or e-mail to both of them. They will receive them and respond if they want too. I haven't seen them in a long time too. Sometimes it takes a nudge to get them back. Life does get in the way and it's easy just do other things. I am sure both will be glad to hear from you.

    Cheers :cool:

    I sure do miss Stumpy. I haven't seen him a very long time. I hope he's not mad at me. I came back regular time since around Thanksgiving, and he's not showed up, so I think he's upset with me. Does anyone know what's up?

    Cheers :cool: Hondo

    Smokey girl, we sure have missed you. I knew you'd be back from sunning and tanning, while we're in the deep freeze. We'll see you soon, but we are so glad to hear from you. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    Your Friend Always, Mike
    Cheers :cool: Hondo Duke Lane

    Hey Hondo,

    It's so good to see you come around. I was asking about you in a private chat about you, and the other Hondo. Hope you continue to come back, and see you soon. Hope your Christmas is great!

    Cheers :cool: Hondo Duke Lane

    After an extended absence, I have returned just in time for the Christmas season. . . . . . and Thanksgiving. Sorry for the vacancy here, but as the saying goes life gets in the way. I am doing fine. I really haven't really been in contact with anyone here, but believe me I wasn't avoiding anyone here or had any problem with anyone.

    I am glad to be back here and I may not come as frequently as I have before, but I plan to come more often.

    You guys are great. I have enjoyed some of the posts here. They are quiet interesting to say the least.

    Cheers :cool: Mike/Hondo

    Hey Guys don't remove me. I have been busy. I had my legs waxed! I got married and divorced before I became a widower! I thought about a sex change but change my mind and had my cat done that way. Couldn't tell the time so I miss the great chat time here at the board, oh, that was somewhere else.......Did I miss the Duke's birthday?

    Cheers Hondo Duke Lane :cool:

    Hey there everyone. A very busy year, and the romance has simmered down somewhat, but what the hey, I have you guys here to keep me company. I try to get back here every once in a while and it has been busy with my business and trying to find that special someone. I have been thinking of you guys and have a lot to catch up with on the reading. Maybe you'll have to give me that condense version of what's happening. I am still pumped up with the Duke and try to get him in as much as possible.

    Thank you for your support and friendship; I do appreciate it very much. Keep on posting. Arthur has and passed me I see. That's alright.

    Later, Cheers B)


    Glad to have you back! We missed you, and I knew you'd be back. I am glad you are doing better, but you take better care of yourself. We enjoy having you here, but you must take care of yourself first. We'll be here for a long time, Kevin will make sure of that. And I hope you'll know that you were missed here for a good while.

    You have a great day.

    Cheers Hondo Duke Lane B)


    Itdo has not posted since May 8, but he has made an appearance today. He may be only able to poke around and too busy to post. I've done the same thing from time to time. He'll post when he gets the time, he's not absent just not posting.

    Cheers B)

    Looking at the posts from RingoKid, I see that he was not feeling well and said that he was sick with a flu like symtoms. He does not have access to a computer at home, so he might be laid up and not able to get anywhere to reply. He last appeared on May 28 and posted that day as well. Keep him in your prayers and hopefully we will see him soon.

    Cheers B)

    Hello everyone,

    I wanted to update on a member who has been away since last fall. I heard from Baron von Rassilon a few days ago. I want you to know how much he has missed being on the board and is looking forward to being back again. He has made some visits as a visitor to see what's happening. He has been out for a while and hopes to be back soon. He didn't say when, but he did say he has a lot of pictures for the picture game that we've been playing. He looks forward to participating again.

    I wanted to pass this along to you, especially you older members who had a good relationship with Baron. You newer ones will be glad to meet this kind person.

    Have a grand day!

    Cheers, Hondo B)

    Hello Everyone,

    I wanted to update on a member who has been away for some time now. I heard from AEC23 a.k.a. Amy a little while back. She is doing fine in eastern Tennessee, and has gotten married back in January. She's been real busy with setting up house with her new husband, and just not able to get on board. She conveyed that she will return soon, and I am sure that I am not just speaking for myself when I say that I look forward to seeing her again.

    Congratulations, Amy in your marriage, and may you be blessed with many good years with a family who I know will love you as much as you love them.

    Have a grand day!

    Cheers, Hondo B)

    By the way, Monique's picture and web site were shut down by AOL, and I omitted the features because they were blank. I did this back in October 2003 after I tried to activated the site and picture. I was making the site attainable for all to read.

    I didn't know that some of you were upset by the deletion of the picture, and site. There was nothing there, and I only cleaned it up. If you have questons about this you can pm me or e-mail me. I will tell you the truth. There's no need to think we're up to no good.

    This is not what this message board is supposed to be. We are to talk and share our experiences of John Wayne, and do an honest trade if possible.

    Hondo Duke Lane B)