Posts from ethanedwards in thread „Great Chase Scenes.“

    I would think that almost every Duke film from the word go,
    involved some sort of a chase scene.
    Many have already been mentioned.
    Hey there was even a movie called
    The Sea Chase!!!

    There are a few of Duke's that I can think of, one in particular. Very unusual one. But I'll see if anyone else can come up with it.

    The Lucky Texan

    sliding down the sluce on a piece of wood

    Also in
    'Neath Arizona Skies


    Duke was to race over a hill on horseback and intercept the railroad in a canyon, then gallop alongside it, and leap onto the car, from his horse.

    Interesting thread Bill, thanks for starting it.

    Duke of course in many films had memorable chase scenes,
    particularly those in the Lone Star series,
    and in many others afterwards