Posts from smokey in thread „The New Alamo Picture“


    to watch or not to watch that is the question, well if you want to go in to watch this movie without and preconseption of what to expect then i would advise that you don't watch dukes alamo but if you want to see how they have changed it or to see how they are able to pull it off after the dukes version then watch dukes alamo. this can be only your choice but as i have dukes alamo i will be going to see it with as open a mind as i can, this being that movie making has come forward in leaps and bounds since duke made his alamo. if you can get yourself a copy of dukes alamo on dvd i would advise that you do as it has a behind the scenes look at the making of this movie with interviews with mick wayne and some of the cameramen and such.
    all i can say is have a good time making up your mind and i hope you enjoy the new movie when you see it

    cheers smokey