Posts from ethanedwards in thread „The New Alamo Picture“

    Regarding THE LAST COMMAND, I agree with Arthur.
    Although I enjoyed the film, I fould I couldnt take it too seriously
    Duke would have made THE ALAMO, with Republic,and saved all his money and stress!!
    Republic of course, used lots of Duke's visions, for that film.

    Really been interested in your debate about the real Alamo, and the local issues, surrounding it!
    The "Other" Alamo film, THE LAST COMMAND,
    remember that one, Republic made as a get back at Duke film.
    After watching THE ALAMO, this one almost seemed like a comedy, especially, when you compared the two Davy Crocketts.
    That story line, to me, also seemed muddled!
    I know Dukes Alamo, came in for some stick historically, but I know, who's version I beleive!,but then I would, wouldn't I!!!