Posts from alamo221 in thread „Hell on Wheels-the Western“

    I'm still not sure of this season. The episode with Cullen's "friend" showing up, and the Ealm episodes, seem like padding. I think the writing this season is especially bad overall. Don't know how much longer I'll stick with it.

    well, caught the 2nd episode of this season, and kinda liked it. Altho the writers seem to take every opportunity to avoid a knock-down drag-out fight to the finish between Cullen and the Swede. At least they DID come up with a semi-satisfying (probably temporary) way of handling the Swede. The show seems to be transforming into another version of the HBO series Deadwood-without the swearing (not a bad thing tho).

    Caught the season opener, and my thoughts: The Swede character has LONG overstayed his welcome, and should be killed off for good. As someone else mentioned, the show lost it's focus and is currently scattered all over. In this episode, I couldn't believe ANYONE trying to build a railroad over a frozen lake regardless of how pressured you were-totally stupid plot piece. Killing off major characters (probably due to actors jumping ship) with little acknowledgement, just lazy writing IMO. I'll stick til next week only because they may have Bohannan finally go head to head with the Swede, but they probably won't til end of season. Just like Walking Dead dragging out the Governor story line, HoW's keeps bringing the Swede back. Plus 10-15 commercials every 5-6 mins is ridiculous.