Posts from Gorch in thread „Hell on Wheels-the Western“

    This show has definitely improved. I stuck with the first two seasons because, well, it was a Western.
    Now the characters are more sharply defined and some of their dry comments are worthy of some of Duke's later films. The violence is pretty intense though - in the last episode, I lost count of the scalps taken.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    I thought that I would never again believe anything I ever read in the New York Times, but this review is on the nose. The comparison to "Deadwood" is inevitable and "Hell" falls short on every level. It is quite graphically violent and racism abounds, as in "Deadwood", but the characters haven't found themselves quite yet. I'm willing to watch a few more times to see what develops, but if it doesn't become more complex and original. it won't be around much longer.
    I miss Duke.

    We deal in lead, friend.