Posts from Hawkswill in thread „Major Dundee (1965)“

    Forgot, got your CD today and will post it on Photobucket tonight. So, you will have it tomorrow to post away, LOL. I am not going to turn the pics around now that you know how to do them......easy, huh? Well, once you know how, it is. CYA tomorrow, Keith

    HAH, well you are a REAL MAN too, just like Mark, Russ! Guess you HAVE to be to openly admit you haven't seen Major Dundee. Paula will probably agree with Carl. LOL...funning you Carl. Going to call you in a bit........If you are still at DQ, I will finish teaching you about the other pics. Actually, I can teach you at your place without the use of will see how it is done easily. Then, you can post them tomorrow at the DQ. You will be SO surprised at how simple this is. And, I think you will like it a great deal! Heh, you like the Photobucket ones, don't you? By the way, thought you were sending me more to post? Maybe you have graduated and are now doing your own? Forget the don't need them. Save your money for an external Hard drive. Also, Photobucket saves your pictures for you.....sort of like an on line free Hard drive backup, LOL!
    Sure wished you lived closer. I am a super cook and would just love to have someone to invite for Christmas Dinner. Maybe next year, Youngster!

    OK...I'll admit it, I've yet to see this movie.

    I've never really had the chance.

    Oh, but what a beautiful one it is. And I think I stay pretty involved, are living proof Kiddo. When my books are out, I will be sending you a ticket to come out here. Then you can see what a wonderful place that foothills and the Blue Ridge Mountains are. Best to see them on you ride? If not, perhaps you can handle a four wheeler....second best way to see them if you can't hike a lot, LOL. Ly, Young 'Un, KEITH

    It MUST be because of the life in rural N.C. Tough to keep involved if one is living on the edge----edge of the World :lol::lol:

    Hondo, this is what she said:

    I think Twilight Time's releases are region free, according to the
    info posted at That means someone in Europe
    should be able to play it.

    Do you have a friend overseas who wants the blu-ray? :)

    -- Paula

    I will ask Peter, (Dooley), also. I haven't a clue. KEITH

    Thanks MB, I just HAVE to see this movie.

    You know, the more I pay attention to the scenes with a lot of horses in them, I see some of the cruelest bits that can be used. One reason that you will see a lot of their mouths wide open and sawing their jaws back and forth.
    You rarely see them in the mouths of the horses which doubles are riding for the stars.

    Just goes to show you, if you were seasoned veteran and highly paid horses, you got the best role bits! KEITH