Posts from The Ringo Kid in thread „Sad news,Our member Redcap has sadly passed away.“

    ringo im glad you got to meet up with your friends after such a long time just a happy conindence that they have the same names as dad.

    merry christmas to you and yours this year, keep safe

    cheers smokey

    Hi Smokey and many thank yous to you as well and Merry Christmas. Im finally getting more organized here in between volunteering and going to various Drs. Im going to try to get some Christmas cards out before too late? I have a good friend from South Africa whose parents live in England and are not so well off. I have a lot of folks to say prayers for so the Lord gets a lot fo messages from me.

    Take care and I wish you the best and your always in my thoughts--your friend-Carl.

    Speaking of people with your Dads name-just this Friday when I was doing my first day of Salvation Army volunteer work, I was ta a WM in Calallen. Well, at about 6 PM, I saw two friends I had not seen for 3o years and 16 years-respectively. I had not known they knew each other let alone were related to each other. Anyway, I had not seen Bill-and John (their first names) in those amounts of time. I mention this because, it was a coincidence that their first names were the names I knew your Father by ;-))

    If I dont get a chance to mention this at the proper time--Merry Christmas to you from: the Ringo Kid ;-))

    thanks everyone ringo (carl) yes he was a true gentleman we have told people about his passing and then we hear that others who we didnt know knew him as well, as my sister said just yesterday you tell someone and there seems like 10 others who knew him as well. he touched so many peoples lives.
    cheers smokey

    Thank you Smokey, and he did make mine better. You are all in my nightly prayers.

    hi everyone thanks, as some of you dont know redcap was my dad and his name was bill not john that was his middle name. we are having his service on monday 2pm our time. will pass on your wishes to mum from this site and again thanks he will be missed by us all

    cheers smokey

    Hi Sharon, sorry for that. I got used to both names the few times we sent email to each other. My memory is also slipping thanks to my Neurological problem and is hard to remember things.

    Hope the services go smoothly and again, sorry for his loss. From the emails I had from him, one can easily see he was a true Gentleman and one I would have liked to shake hands with.

    Hi Sharon, I am very sorry for this sad news. Rest in Peace John. >:-( you are greatly missed and I am sorry I never had my item handy to send to you. Take care Sir, and i have much awe for you in your service to your Country and my hat is permanently tipped to you.

    Best regards--Carl.

    PS, I hope you get to say something for me to Captain Richard Wallace Annand Durham Light Infantry, V.C.

    well redcap is now in hospital as he has an infection along with low blood preasure and dyhiration (forgive the spelling) they cant do anything about the cancer until these things improve am going to see him tommorow night will let him know that you are all thinking of him at this time. the doctor has said that it is treatable but he has to bulk up first.

    cheers smokey

    Cheers Smokey, give him my best and wish I could send him a case of his favorite Beer.

    to all that know redcap

    he will be missing for some time he has been told he has cancer and is going through all of the processes which go along with that, we are all hoping that it will work out fine will let you know more as we go along

    cheers smokey

    Hi Smokey, please send him my best wishes, also that I recently relocated back to Corpus Christi, and that I FINALLY came across that original Desert Rats Photo I have that I told him about and that I was going to use to have something made for him. That something I THINK I can have ordered in late October when the new super wally-world opens.

    Anyway, please send him my best regards.

    Take care--Carl.