Posts from ethanedwards in thread „New Westerns“

    Good one Arthur, ha ha

    I agree, with the above.
    Tom Cruise, to me, just doesn't fit, in any way,
    size or stature.
    As mentioned, there are plenty of old movies to have a go at,
    particularly westerns.
    There were some great stories that were poorly made into film,
    that could well do with face lift.
    However, like True Grit, The original seven is going to take some beating.
    Indeed, apart from the first one, the sequels of the Seven were poor!

    Anything that promotes the western genre has to be good news,
    well, as long as it doesn't involve Martians becoming Native Americans,
    and the horses turning into Transformers!!

    Be warned that I have read the book that this western will be based on and it's about Doc's life as a boy and young man. The Earps are in it but we don't go near Tombstone and the OK Corral.
    It was a decent enough read and all Doc's lines were written as if Val Kilmer was speaking them and if this is a mini series they may even go farther than the novel.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Thanks for the info.
    I suppose, the redeeming fact is, that I considered
    Val Kilmer's portrayal of Doc, as far the best.