Posts from WaynamoJim in thread „Disney To Buy Lucasfilm“

    My son just called me and told this. Disney has agreed to buy Lucasfilm Ltd from George Lucas for $4.05 BILLION. Also, Lucas says a new Star Wars movie, right now titled Episode 7, will be out in 2015. He will follow that with Episode 8 in 2018, and Episode 9 in 2021. I heard about this a few years ago, though Lucas denied that he'd make anymore Star Wars films. Don't know if true, but from what I read, these stories will take place some years after Return Of The Jedi, with Luke Skywalker now head of the Jedi order, married with a son, Ben Skywalker, also a Jedi. Han & Leiea are married with two sons, Anakin and Jaden Solo, also Jedi and a daughter. The premise will be that dark forces have returned in the form of Dark Jedi, whose aim is to clone Darth Vader and take over the galaxy.