Posts from Dooley in thread „Disney To Buy Lucasfilm“

    Who knows -- an infusion of fresh blood may mean a genuinely entertaining Star Wars movie, rather than the crap-fest that was the last 3 films. Or I'll even say last 4, since I'm no fan of Return of the Jedi.

    The Empire Strikes Back -- I saw that one in theaters into the double digits. It played all summer and just about every week I went to see it. ;)

    Agreed! As I said, best by a mile and Lucas didn't direct it!

    I remember reading years ago that when Lucas was writing Star Wars he planned it as a nine film saga and picked the middle trilogy to film as it was the strongest .

    Also,after Return of Jedi was completed Harrison Ford talked about returning to play Hans Solo character in 20-30 years time.

    Lets hope he lets somebody good to direct any new movies as the last three were very weak.

    Totally agree, he came up with the story but a brilliant director he is not!
    The Emipre Strikes Back sands head and shoulders above the rest for me.

    I really don't know what to make of this!

    Being an original kid of the Star Wars generation all I can see is a further downward spiral.
    I would love to be proved wrong!