Posts from The Tennesseean in thread „What's the last thinig you ate?“

    Let's see...A succulent turkey, REAL mashed potatoes, green beans, cheesy cauliflower casserole (new for us), dressing with sauted mushrooms, a sweet potato casserole (I HATE sweet potatoes, but I liked this), creamed corn (my nephew's wife brought it), and rolls.

    My sister made turnips (yuck), but aside from the turkey (her as well), I made everything else.

    We had pumpkin pie (grocery store bakery, but VERY good), an eclair pie from my niece (she wasn't with us), and a store-bought Hershey's chocolate decadence pie...and it WAS decadence!

    The heck of it all was...I had to do all the clean up, as my sister was having some health issues. So now, my back, shoulders, knees and feet (diabetic neuropathy) are COMPLETLY done in, and my entire body is screaming at me for the stress, but it was a great meal!

    Carl...that is SO unfair. I had 2 teeth pulled Wed (was supposed to be 4, but BP was shooting toward stroke level), and I'm still only able to eat "soft" food, like soup, jello, pudding, and the like.

    It's ok, I get to eat like a human again starting Suday...