Posts from Hawkswill in thread „Where is New Duke Book Thread please“

    Well, there were a great deal of comments of the thread I posted on The New Duke book, but, although I got an email from Ethan on it with a link...the link goes nowhere. I am still not good with Search, but have tried to find it. Although I saw it somewhere today, can't find it should be in the Quick Links or New Posts, I thought. Anyone know where it is?
    It should be out in plain view so that folks who don't know about it and also about Colorado Bob's post on the additional book can see it.
    I realize it is out there somewhere, just can't find it. HELP! LOL.

    Know this will be deleted and that is fine......just hope someone can help me find the original before it is. Thanks, KEITH

    Also, I went to the link on Duke's Books and it says continued in next post, twice I think. The second time, I couldn't find a way to continue....any advice on that? KP