Posts from Hawkswill in thread „How to Post Photographs/ Images“

    Nice tutorial, Keith!

    Thanks Kevin, Sometimes EK leaves things out, (he is so used to doing them). I called Bill, and he got it right away, although he couldn't before. I have done many a tech manual on all kinds of power tools. Also a great many on setting up food and beverage for large events. Have done quite a few on New software installations. Wouldn't mind explaining new things to folks here if you would charge even, since there is such a problem with a lot of new things. Some folks are better at things than are others. For instance, I couldn't even begin to do the massive amount of copying and pasting that EK does. He is amazing. Makes some nice comments of his own also. Wouldn't mind writing up a proper tutorial for the photo posting that includes everything if you want. Just one of the few things I am good at. Let me know. KEITH

    Well, thanks EK, it worked. Now I will post some of the pics from Scott on the Three Bad Men page. I will also call Bill and explain things to him in case he hasn't figured it out, yet. Thanks again,
    KEITH Scroll down for The Fugitive picture.

    Members still seem to have problems, please see this thread and it's updates

    Appreciate the second attempt at explaining things to us, EK. I will try with a picture. Not sure if I have posted this before with all the confusion, please please excuse me if I have. It is Hank Fonda and Ward Bond in one of Pappy's favorite films, The Fugitive. Proud to say, this is one of the few in my new collection, (mainly, of course, of Ward, LOL) Well, it LOOKS like it is going to didn't do anything until I clicked on Advanced under this box on JWMB..........then the picture came up large. Oh, I already had the picture uploaded on Photobucket, so I never saw the "Customize your image". I DID, however, take off the URL before and after what I copied from the IMAGE file on Photobucket. Well, the preview shows OK, we will see how it does when it posts. Hope some of what I experienced here will also help some of you. KEITH


    I don't understand the problem with posting bigger images, as lasbugas seems to be OK, and I have just posted the one above!!

    Wrote a bit, but it got wiped out while attempting to post a pic. I am sure it is just that Bill, (Gorch) and I.....after all the pictures we have posted here and on other sites have just become senile, LOL...what do you think, Bill? When I posted to Ellie, EK, you had made George's pic a little larger than the one I had up, but, it is full size.....amazing.

    I am sure others are having the same problem. Instead of saying what you said and just enlarging the pic, I imagine it would be MUCH more helpful if you would explain how to do we are tired of trying to find whatever way it has to be done now. I have a lot of rare pics to add. But..........what the heck. Nice job, by the way EK....larger than the one I started with! KEITH